Karla Thais

Graduated in information systems (UFPE), active in the Institutional Program of Scholarships for Undergraduate Research Projects (PIBIC). Researcher at the Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation Scholarships (PIBIC), in models of maturity. Currently doing a Masters in Computer Engineering at Escola Politécnica de Pernambuco – POLI/UPE, in follow the sun development.

  • Agile Software Development
  • Project Management
  • Maturity Models
  • Startup project management
  • Plataforma Lattes – CNPq (in portuguese)

Karla Thais

Graduated in information systems (UFPE), active in the Institutional Program of Scholarships for Undergraduate Research Projects (PIBIC). Researcher at the Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation Scholarships (PIBIC), in models of maturity. Currently doing a Masters in Computer Engineering at Escola Politécnica de Pernambuco – POLI/UPE, in follow the sun development.

  • Agile Software Development
  • Project Management
  • Maturity Models
  • Startup project management
  • Plataforma Lattes – CNPq (in portuguese)