PRODUCTION Powering the university collaboration of the software industry
PhD Candidate Tamara Dallegrave, Msc Candidate Denis Marques, Profº Dr. Wylliams Barbosa
Project Production is an initiative for an Industry-Academy Collaboration Global Survey. Find out more here.
Hub Confecções
Colaboração entre ReactLabs e Comeia
The app is a project of the company COMEIA in partnership with the UPE that was sponsored by FACEPE. In this project there is a master’s student, a doctoral student, in addition to the PhD advisor. Professor Dr. Wylliams Barbosa and students Filipe Tabosa (master’s) and Antônio Almeida (doctoral).
Uma Análise Preliminar dos Programas de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu nas Modalidades Tradicionais e Multicampi
Msc Candidate Cleverton Duarte, Msc José Vinicius, Prof° Dra. Fernanda Alencar, Prof° Dr. Wylliams Santos
The expansion process of the Brazilian Stricto Sensu Graduate Program involves a series of technical and bureaucratic particularities that end up making this expansion more complex. It is also observed that several locations are not yet covered by Stricto Sensu Postgraduate courses, especially when considering cities in the interior of Brazil. It is possible to verify the need for strategies to expand the presence of Stricto Sensu Graduate Programs. The National Education Plan highlights the need for this expansion and guides the use of computer technologies, such as those used in distance education, as a possible alternative for increasing the scope of the programs, particularly after the various government expansion programs of higher education in Brazil. Full article here.
TENT : Teams basED on humaN aspecTs
PhD Candidate Denini Silva, B.Sc Student Luis Barbosa, Msc Candidate Stenyo Oliveira, prof. Dr. Roberta Fagundes, prof. Dr Wylliams Santos
The proposed tool, called TENT, supports the formation of teams in the classroom based on the students’ socio-affectiveness. The present project contributes to the scientific community through a new web tool for creating teams in an automated way based on the instrument proposed by Roger Verdier. Open-source code see here.
Grey scraper
PhD. Candidate Wladimir Farias, B.Sc Williane Maria, Profº Dr. Wylliams Barbosa
A ferramenta proposta, denominada de TENT, serve de apoio a formação de equipes em The proposed tool, called TENT, supports the formation of teams in The name of the software is gray scraper, it is a gray literature search tool using web-scraping. User puts search strings, date range and other filters and does the search. It returns data which can be exported in csv or xlsx (excel). Access by clicking Here.
Digital Transformation- SEE-PE
Msc. Cantidate William Ferreira, Msc. Cantidate José Vinícius, Prof° Dr. Wylliams Barbosa, Prof° Dr. Cleyton Rodrigues, Prof° Dra. Fernanda Maria
Project with a partnership between the Secretary of Education and Sports of Pernambuco (SEE-PE), PPGEC and FACEPE, to create a methodology for implementing Digital Transformation in SEE-PE, with a focus on subsidizing cultural and behavioral aspects.
Msc. Canditate Denis Marques, Profº Dr. Wylliams Barbosa e Profº Dr. Cleyton Rodrigues
Projeto que visa observar praticas de colaboração entre a Project that aims to observe collaboration practices between industry and academia (IAC) in the context of software agility and software engineering, seeking methodologies, best practices of collaboration and insertion of researchers in the software industry. Access by clicking Here.