Carol Melo

I am currently a doctoral student at the Graduate Program in Computer Engineering (PPGEC) at the University of Pernambuco (UPE), conducting research on Technical Debt in software development. Programming teacher at CESAR School and member of the REACT Research Labs research group. My research area during the master’s was focused on requirements engineering, but now in the doctorate, I’m looking for a proposal that involves Artificial Intelligence and technical debt management.

  • Requirements engineering
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Technical debt management

Carol Melo

I am currently a doctoral student at the Graduate Program in Computer Engineering (PPGEC) at the University of Pernambuco (UPE), conducting research on Technical Debt in software development. Programming teacher at CESAR School and member of the REACT Research Labs research group. My research area during the master’s was focused on requirements engineering, but now in the doctorate, I’m looking for a proposal that involves Artificial Intelligence and technical debt management.

  • Requirements engineering
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Technical debt management